Friday, August 13, 2010

Reluctant attitude

Despite all the difficulties imposed by the reluctant attitude of many lofty patrician, was moving forward, mile by mile, running from the sea. So at the end of 1840, from New York, top engineer Benjamin H. Nuevitas Wright on board the schooner Adrian with locomotives, cars and machines. Camagüey, many of the landowners who signed for the construction of the railroad, never fulfilled their commitment, others are not even signed, therefore, what is raised by this pathway was not sufficient to achieve rapid progress of the work, that's why the villager had to invest their assets and get the largest sums to the Junta de Fomento de La Habana and negotiating loans from the British capital. On Easter, 1841, to check the quality of works, Nuevitas met a group of 350 people, which, in the words of the villagers were "cream and cottage cheese, so that the truth will have very strong support today.." Indeed, on days 22, 27, 28 and 30 of December, there was a tour of four miles with a machine, two cars and sixty passengers on them.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

construction of the railway

Betancourt Cisneros know in New York to an English engineer Charles Hampter (3) who, at his request, he traveled to Nuevitas to assess ground conditions and determine whether it was suitable to undertake the construction of the railway. Back in New York, tells her friend the viability of the project. Lugareño Camagüey returns, this time in the company of Wilson American engineer, and decide the starting point of the railway from Bay Mayanabo in the place known today as Puerto Tarafa. However, the railroad was not the first Camagüey in Cuba, because, as we know, what preceded that of Havana Bejucal. Once Betancourt has the results and full details of studies and tests on the ground, authorities informed the utility Island railroad through a contract from the Provincial Patriotic Port au Prince. The request for permission to carry out the "Iron Road" from Nuevitas took place on November 26, 1836.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

By choosing as the third place of settlement a fertile plain between the rivers and Hatibonico Tínima, raised its vast economy thanks to the diligence of the men who made items such as livestock and agriculture the best in the country. Was conceived and, over time, one of the richest cultural heritages of the island mentality conditioned by principeño and his peculiar way of being. The failure to secure a quick transfer of goods between the town and ports, forced the practice of trade using the then navigable waterways and shipping on the heavy carts on the roads to the docks on both coasts. In 1823, the villager was interested in a Railroad Project City of Port to Nuevitas (2), the following year, in time to coincide with José Antonio Saco in New York, he said data and details on the roads between Havana and Camaguey to have traveled that distance on horseback.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Paris passed through water.

Recominedo all the virtual exhibition "Paris innondé" organized by the Galerie des Bibliophiles and the city of Paris. The exhibition took place between January 8 and March 28 last, but you can visit virtually thanks to multimedia services Mairie de Paris.
Indeed, in January 1910, Paris knows a terrible week because of an exceptional flood, caused by a catastrophic weather, the largest in its history without being as fatal as that which occurred in 1658. The water invaded the underground track in 1910 and recently opened for the subway and the sewers. The level of the Seine was even able to reach the railway station Saint-Lazare.